Music Programs

Music Programs

choir and woodwind group Maundy Thursday 2010The Trinity Choir

Thursdays 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary

The Trinity Choir helps to lead the congregation in worship, proclaiming God’s message through song. They offer anthems, support congregational singing, and lead other service music each Sunday at 10:30 am from September through May. New singers are always welcome.

Singing in a wide variety of musical styles, the choir always strives for excellence, under the direction of Dr. Bruce Chamberlain who recently retired from The University of Arizona where he established one of the largest graduate choral studies programs in the country. Bruce is also the founding director of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra Chorus.

During the summer months, choir members and others offer music through solos and ensemble singing.

Director: Dr. Bruce Chamberlain

WNA, CWU-May Friendship Day, worship 129The Trinity Ringers

Thursdays 5:30pm in the Upper Level (bell room)

The Trinity Ringers are our handbell and chime choir.  These joyful ringers seek to lift every note to God as they lead in worship on a monthly basis, from September to May. Handbell workshops are held periodically in order to encourage new ringers.

Director: Mr. Lynn Moser