Annually, Trinity holds services for Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and easter
On Christmas Eve, an informal service at 5:00 pm gathers children and families for a nativity pageant and a Christmas story. At 7:00 pm, our traditional Christmas Eve includes choral music and preaching. At both services, carols are sung, and candles are lit as we remember the birth of our Savior.
On Ash Wednesday evening, we begin Lent with a brief service of the Word, including a message, prayers of penitence, and a marking with ashes in the sign of the cross.
Holy Week begins on Palm/Passion Sunday with a procession of palms recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Over the Three Days of our Lord’s pass over from death to resurrection life, we gather for three services. Maundy Thursday is a Service of Shadows (tenebrae), led by the pastors with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Good Friday is a noontime preaching service of reflections on the cross of Christ. On either Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday the service also includes a choral cantata.
Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection Gospel in Word and sacrament, with brass and bells, choirs and joyful singing.