Part time bookkeeper
We have an immediate opening for an experienced non-profit bookkeeper. This position is part-time, approximately 10 – 15 hours per week, and is located on-site. Trinity utilizes ShelbyNext church accounting software. Shelby experience is desired, but not required. Training will be provided. Please contact Elder Roberta Westergaard ( for more information and/or send a resume or related experience.
part time food ministries administrator
This is a part-time, non-exempt, 20 hour per week, year-round position supporting Trinity’s Community Food Bank Center and Casa Maria Sandwich Ministry. The Food Ministries Administrator is required to have Pima County Food Handling certification to work with Trinity’s Food Bank and the Southern Arizona Community Food Bank. Please contact Elder Roberta Westergaard ( for more information and/or send a resume or related experience.
Part Time Nursery Attendant
We are seeking a Sunday Morning Nursery Attendant to provide steady, loving care for the children in our church Nursery. The Nursery Attendant must maintain a current CPR certificate and know basic first aid procedures. Please contact Elder Roberta Westergaard ( for more information and/or send a resume or related experience.